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Sunday, January 30, 2011

What does the Bible say about Tithing - Christian Tithing

Tithing has been in existence and practiced among the people of God even before the Law of Moses, as well as during the era of the Law “And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thy oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always.” Deu 14:23

So, what is tithing or tithing definition? Who should pay tithe? What are the common misconceptions about Tithing?  
I saw on a webpage that “When people set aside a set portion of their income for the Church, this is known as tithing No friends, this is not Tithing. Tithe is not for the Church but for God. Its God’s own percentage (Yes Percentage) of your income.  The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your lives according Lev 27:30 which says “And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD'S: it is holy to the LORD “ 

According to Historians, Abraham the father of many nations and the first great patriarch of Israel gave tithes centuries even before the Laws of Moses about tithing “And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all” - Gen 14:20  

Also, the father of the twelve tribes of Israel (Jacob), gave his tithes, also before the Law according to Genesis 28:22 even before being blessed by the lord and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.” 

Should Christians tithe? The words of both Jesus and Paul seem clearly to bring tithing into New Testament times.
In the history of the New Testament Church since the first century, biblical tithing has been commonly, although not universally, taught and practiced. In fact, tithing was a common religious practice in many nations in the ancient world.

One thing is worth noting on the issue of tithing; No believer can have a genuine financial breakthrough eating his Tithe. When you eat your tithe today, you are simply eating your seed for financial breakthrough tomorrow. “Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it” - Mal 2:3  

Remember, your tithe is not to feed the church you worship at but it is for God’s own use and however we wishes to use it should not be of us to bother ourselves with.

Wealth – Tithe = Tight Life

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  1. NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE pays the Biblical tithe today.

    Leviticus 27:30-33, Numbers 18: The First Tithe - a tenth of crops and animals and commanded to take the tithe to the Levites.

    Deuteronomy 14:22-27: The Second Tithe aka The Festival Tithe - a tenth of crops, plus add to that the firstborn animals, and take for the yearly feast.

    Deuteronomy 14:28-29: The Third Tithe aka The Three-Year Tithe aka The Poor Tithe - a tenth of crops, kept at home, and invite the Levites, widows, orphans, stranger to eat.

    Now, tell me. Which of the above three tithes commanded by God does anyone follow today?

    The ONLY people in the Old Testament that were commanded to tithe were those who INHERITED THE PROMISED LAND WITH EVERYTHING ON IT. They got the land, house, animals, crops, etc. ALL FREE AND CLEAR. No mortgage payment or rent to pay. And THEY were commanded to tithe on the crops and animals and take it to the Levites who INHERITED the tithe INSTEAD OF the promised land with everything on it. No one else tithed. Wage earners did not tithe. Jesus didn’t tithe. Paul didn’t tithe. Peter didn’t tithe.


    There is no way to justify making some “principle” out of the Biblical facts and then apply it to Christians today. It is just flat out wrong and makes no sense at all.

    Abraham tithed war spoils that did not even belong to him. There is no scripture to show that Jacob ever, in fact, gave a tenth of anything.

  2. Gary, i guess the reason why many fail to understand the issue of tithing today is due to a lack of in dept on the subject. You are right when you said "HOW CAN YOU COMPARE THAT WITH CHRISTIANS WHO HAVE TO PAY THEIR MORTGAGE PAYMENT OR RENT, INCOME TAXES, PROPERTY TAXES, SALES TAXES, ETC?"
    The truth is all the above mentioned issues on Income taxes, property taxes etc are our social responsibilities as believers BUT our Spiritual obligations need not be affected by our Social Duties.
    Jesus said He didn't come to wipe out the Mosaic Laws but to bring them to fulfillment. That is to say "The Laws of Moses still applies to every believer" NO SCRIPTURE STRIKES OUT ANOTHER. Deu 14:22 Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year. The Field being our Occupation. Mal 3:10 says "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it" irrespective of our MORTGAGE PAYMENT OR RENT, INCOME TAXES, PROPERTY TAXES, SALES TAXES, ETC?
    Who was Malachi addressing here? The Priests. That is Right But do you know that every believer is called a Priest according to 1Pe 2:9 which says "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people" So these laws about tithing applies to EVERY BELIEVER.

  3. @ILoveGodSite.Com,

    You are right, we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. And under the Mosaic law, PRIESTS DID NOT TITHE.

    IF we are under the tithing laws, then why don't you follow them? ALL THREE OF THEM.

    God NEVER commanded anyone to tithe on their income. The Biblical tithe was ALWAYS on crops and animals FROM GOD'S MIRACULOUS INCREASE, not man's income. The Israelite farmers did have income from the sale and/or barter exchange of their crops and animals, but that was not tithable.

    Under the law, wage earners DO NOT TITHE.

    Under the law, ONLY those who INHERITED THE PROMISED LAND WITH EVERYTHING ON IT were commanded to tithe.

    Under the law, the tithe MUST BE TAKEN TO THE LEVITES.

    God NEVER gave any pastor or Christian Church permission to receive His tithe.

    Now be honest - do you follow God's commands to tithe, OR are you following a man-made tithing doctrine?

  4. You said "IF we are under the tithing laws, then why don't you (referring to us) follow them?"
    I will also ask you a Question Bro Gary: "How sure are you that we are not following them?" (all of them)

    Do you know why the men of old tithe on only animals and crops Gary? That was their source of Income and lively hood. We are not farmers, you are not a Goat herder.
    you also said "God NEVER gave any pastor or Christian Church permission to receive His tithe" But Didnt he Said BRING ALL THE TITHE & OFFERING IN MY STORE HOUSE? Where else could be God's store house here on earth?

    ILOVEGODSITE.COM never collects tithe but as Practitioners of this mystery, we Pay tithes to other Ministries via our indept on the subject of tithe and advise our fellow believers to do so with scriptural backings and evidence to show.

    But if you said they (God's People) should not pay their tithe, you need to Give them much more proof than what you've mentioned above. Why should we not, what are the benefits of not paying our tithe? How sure are we that We are not invoking the wrath of the Devourer as mentioned in Malachi etc. We that practice this mystery of tithing need to know why we need Not pay tithe again. Once that is clarified, we can now say "Well, i'll not pay my tithe again because i saw this in scriptures or i saw that in Scripture, i have a scripture from Gods word to back up my claim"
    Once that could be done Gary, trust me; We will definitely tell our audience that they dont need to pay their tithes again giving them Scriptural backing.

    Let us reason together on this Issue of Tithing Gary.

    Yours in His Service.
    Admin 2 ILoveGodSite.Com

  5. To the author of IloveGodsite.com,

    I happen to moderate a tithing study internet forum. The members of my group are under the impression that tithing is not for Christians today. I suggest that you visit and, if you are interested, join our group to set straight our members that have this misleading! We are at:

  6. Ok Rob, We've checked out your group and promising contributing shortly in any little way we can. Thanks

  7. A message I just posted to the tithing study internet forum:

    Ok. I accept the foul. I was wrong. I sinned. I am sorry. I repent.

    Thank you for the correction. I think that by making this statement you refer
    to, it implies that I believe in tithing. I state here and now that I do not
    believe that obligatory tithing is a Christian doctrine.

    I disagree with the specific theme Wes Prang asserts, that the group believes
    they have been mislead by this anti-tithing doctrine. If the group believed
    that they were mislead, then would immediately stop being mislead. The
    awareness of being mislead forces the changing of ways to stop being mislead,
    i.e., they immediately change belief and discontinue in their present, mislead

    The reason I made the statement was to assure him I was a friendly moderator and
    that I would supportive of him asserting his opinion. So long as he is civil,
    as I require of everyone in this group, I especially want him to express his
    opinion. Despite the fact that I do not hold his opinion, I still, especially
    now, want to re-enforce being supportive of him expressing his opinion in this
    group. By inferring that I shared his opinion, I intended to impress him I was
    friendly. I still intend to be friendly.

    To WeLoveGod, I wish to personally apologize. Please consider the first couple
    of sentences directed especially to you. I have not been successful in bringing
    people to the group that have a pro-tithing position. After years, yes, years
    of trying and hoping, I have not found people with what I would consider Holy
    Ghost boldness to come in and be serious in explaining a pro-tithe view. I let
    this blur my judgment.

    I supposed that when he visited the our group, he would have seen the graphics
    that would, I believe, provided a message that I do not support "obligatory
    tithing." So, I felt I sent a mixed message.

    I ask WeloveGod to forgive me if he felt that I betrayed his trust. If he feels
    that way, as I have said, I am sorry and want to make amends. I apologize to
    any individuals in the group if my actions have let you down.

    Any more comments or ways people want me to mend my ways?


  8. Bro Bob, If you notice, there are many misunderstanding about issues of Tithing, Sowing of Seed, Speaking in Tongues, First fruit seed and the likes BECAUSE, its a Mystery. You don't learn this kind of Mystery in School or in College. It must be REVEALED to You Personally to fully maximize its potential. All those articles fellow so-called "New Testament Believers" write against tithing is what they could perceive with their physical senses. Tithing and the above mentioned mystery are not "Physical Sense oriented." The physical mind believes and adopt to what we (our Spirit man) wants it to believe. WE STRONGLY BELIEVE TITHING IS FOR TODAY. Its not only an Old Testament Law. You said "I ask WeloveGod to forgive me if he felt that I betrayed his trust" We sent WeLoveGod (one of our Admins) to check out your group as we earlier promised and contribute in any little way we can. You have not in anyway betrayed our trust as we are all here to reason and think together. Our advise is this - Tithing is a Mystery, You cant just understand it by mere glancing through the Bible. You need The Help of the Holy Spirit to fully understand such mystery or else, we'll all be playing religiously.

  9. I agree you can't understand tithing by merely glancing through the Bible. However, tithing is no mystery once you pray and ask the Spirit to reveal the truth as you study the topic in-depth. An in-depth study of the scriptures along with a study of the history of tithing in the Christian Church revealed to me that man is teaching what man came up with around 1870 instead of what the Word teaches.

  10. Good posts, Gary. I agree completely with everything you said.

  11. "Where in the bible are we told that Non-levite, non-jewish, non-priest, gentile men are now to be the receivers or gatherers of a tithing system"

    In the New Covenant (New Testament) who are the Priest? Do you want to know? Every believer is a priest (including the Non-levite, non-jewish). I didn't say that, the bible did according to 1Pe 2:9 which says "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people"
    Wait a minute friends did you happen to read 1Pet 2:5? I just caught something there. In the King James Version of the bible, it says "Ye also ( Non-levite, non-jewish, non-priest), as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." OH MY GOD. This is the answer folks! This is the ANSWER.

  12. And the priests did not tithe in the OT just as the priests do not tithe in the NT.

  13. So the bible IS for personal interpretation! Tithing is no mystery, in an of it's own right. A tithe is one selected out of ten! If one can understand third grade mathematics, specifically division, one can understand a tenth or a tithe.

    It sounds like you are saying that God has impressed you with a meaning that is not available by an honest reading of the text.


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