Word of God - Jacob wrestled with an angel of the Lord one night and came out of that experience with two things: the blessing of God and a limp in his walk.
He limped for the rest of his life. The limp didn’t mean that Jacob hadn’t been blessed by God. It meant only one thing that he had a limp. Bishop T.D. Jakes sermons on healing
Your struggle with sin doesn’t mean that you aren’t saved in your spirit or healed in your soul. it only means that you still have a limp. And the fact is, you may never lose your limp entirely. You any learn to walk and even to skip and run. You may learn to get around so well that nothing about your limp slows you down.
You may even able to get a built-up shoe that disguises the handicapped and allows you to function as through you had never been injured. You may even forget all about your limp. When that happens, and you feel no pain and no self-consciousness about it, then you are healed, even though the limp remains.
My children recently saw a man who had lost the use of his legs. They said,: why don’t you come have our daddy pray for you?”
“oh. I’m all right now,” the man said”I am healed.”
They didn’t understand what he meant, so he went on to explain. “you see, when this first happened, I was in pain all the time. I know I’m healed because it doesn’t hurt anymore.” Even though his injurious was over, his agony had continued.
Don’t let the limp fool you. You can be healed and still have a limp. The limp is only a sign that you have been through something, not that you are still struggling with something. if you can think about some insult or adversity and it doesn’t hurt anymore, you can be certain that you have been healed. If you can talk about a painful experience I your past and it doesn’t cause you to feel anger or hatred, you have been healed. If you can see the person who has wronged you or hurt you and not fel bitterness, then by God’s grace, you have been healed.
You may still have scars on your body, tell-tale sign of your predicament. You may still be divorced. You may still have a need. You may still have the “limp,” but on the inside you have been healed.
Don’t confuse the scars with the inner work. The scars do not define the healing. What God has done in your innermost being proves that you’ve been healed.
Begin to declare total healing of everything that needs to be healed around you. This is your DAY!
Bishop T.D. Jakes sermons on Faith to succeed

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