Your personal relationship with God matters a lot.
The grace to receive training is the privilege of those who are committed to God.
Are you committed to God? You get committed by confessing your sins and accepting Jesus as Your Lord and Saviour and Obeying His Commandments. Salvation is not a short cut from obeying God. That way, you are born again.
Don’t assume your salvation at all. If you are not born again you need to invite Jesus into your heart by praying this prayer of faith: “Lord Jesus, I come to you today. I realize that I am a sinner. Wash me, clean from my sin and make me a new creature. Write my name in the Book of life. Thank you for saving me. Now, I know that I am saved.”
Congratulations! You are now born again and a child of God. I await testimonies of glorious turnarounds in your life.
Remember, Christianity does not stop at accepting Christ as your Savior; It goes beyond that. You need to build up your faith for the great task ahead of you. How? By hearing and reading the word of God – Keeping every of his Commandments.
Christianity is no longer a mere religion but a personal relationship with God.
Therefore, there are lots of Materials for your Edification at our Free Downloads Page.
I Love You All.