The King James Version (KJV) Translation of the Holy Bible turns 400 years in print.
In celebration of KJV’s 400th anniversary, the Bible Nation Society will host an expo housing ancient Bibles, including a first edition 1611 authorized King James Bible, in front of the U.S. Capitol building. Prominent Bible scholars, including India’s foremost Christian intellectual Vishal Mangalwadi, will also give a lecture on the King James Version’s influence on the development of Western civilization and America at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
Today Tuesday, a rally will be held near the expo tent on the National Mall that will include the reading of a bipartisan congressional resolution, House Concurrent Resolution 38, recognizing the anniversary and influence of the KJV. "To ignore it (KJV), is to ignore the very sun. It has enlightened our souls about Jesus Christ, and enriched our lives by paving a way of thinking," said Doug Levesque of the Bible Nation Society, sponsor of the national event, in a statement Friday.
"In its pages are the answers to our current dilemmas including, the economy, the middle east, and even political gridlock." The King James Version was commissioned by King James I during a time of unrest and division in England. He brought together Anglican leaders and Puritans – who had disdain for one another – at Hampton Court in January 1604 for a conference that would lead to a new translation. At the time, the Puritans were calling for a new translation that would bring reform within the Church of England. In July 22, 1604, King James announced that a new translation would be produced by a committee of scholars and theologians made up of both Anglicans and Puritans. Seven years later, the King James Version was completed with the help of 47 scholars and theologians.
To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the KJV, YouVersion, the most popular Bible app, has organized a mob reading of the translation beginning at 12 p.m. ET on Monday. People all over the world will read the KJV for 400 seconds in unison. “To my understanding it’s the first time that something like this has ever happened in history and so people don’t just want to celebrate the history but be part of the making of history,” said Bobby Grunewald, innovation leader at Lifechurch.tv, which created YouVersion, to The Christian Post last week.
"The Bible has suffered lots of mishandling from critics and oppositions yet, it remains the most outstanding book ever printed" said Admins at I Love God Site.
Happy 400 years Anniversary KJV.

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