Today, we've outlined 7 scriptural ways to study the words of God. As you apply them you will more fully come to understand and love the word of God. There is nothing as sweet as reading God's word and having revelational knowledge and gaining understanding from it.
So, how do i begin my quest in studying and meditating on Gods word?
1. Give it your time - Dedicate Time to the Word of God
Set aside a specific amount of time to study the word of God every day. If you're serious about learning the word of God then be serious about studying it. Time devoted to the word of God is time devoted to God.
If we can spend enough time with socializing with friends and loved ones, i believe we can spend enough time with the word of life. 2. Pray to Understand the Word of God
God wants to help us understand as we study His words, all we have to do is turn to him and ask in prayer. Remember where it says in the bible "Call upon me and i will answer you?" also, there is a part of the holy book (The bible) which says "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD" - Isa 1:18
Prayer and the word of God go hand in hand, they are both necessary to come unto Christ. Prayer is how we communicate with our Father, and reading His written words is often how He communicates with us. What a magnificent blessing that we can communicate with God, our beloved Father! See post on How to Understand the Word of God.
3. Have a Purpose
When you begin to study the word of God select a purpose or topic to study. What do you want/need to learn? What are you struggling with? What gospel principle could you improve upon? Pray for help in selecting a purpose and the Lord will guide you. You can use the scripture's study helps, like the topical guide, to aid you in your search for direction.
While studying the word of God if you come across a word, phrase, or concept that you'd like to understand more fully, write it down. Use the back of your spiritual journal to note future topics you wish to study. On a day that you're not sure what your purpose of study should be you can browse through your list of possible topics or search this site for Word of God for today
4. Use a Spiritual Journal
This is a priceless tool to help you focus as you search the word of God. All you need is a little notebook and a pencil or pen to get you started. I like to write the date and that day's purpose and then jot down any scriptures, thoughts, impressions, or questions I have as I study. Writing down all or part of a verse of scripture can help you to more fully ponder its meaning and how you can apply it in your life. Keeping a spiritual journal truly helps one feast upon the word of God and your ability to understand the word of God will steadily increase as you do so.
One of the biggest obstacles to diligently learning the word of God is our pride: Our natural man doesn't want to work and put forth effort- we want life to be easy. But to be able to understand the word of God we must humble ourselves before the Lord. God's will for us is to obey His commandments and to seek his word and one of the many ways we can become humble is by engaging the power of prayer and fasting. We can also fast for help with our efforts to search the word of God and for guidance in understanding his doctrines.
While studying the word of God ponder how it applies to your life.Your ability to understand the word of God will greatly increase as you personally apply the word of God to your life. Read How to meditate on God's word.
7. Be Diligent and Don't Give Up
Finally, as you daily study the word of God don't give up- be diligent! We must persistently seek the Lord. To come unto Him we must study His words: "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you"
The word of God is a priceless gift that we either accept or reject.
You will also enjoy these posts on The Word of God:
- How to Meditate on God's Word - Covenant Steps
- What is the Word of God
- The Power of the Word Of God
You will also enjoy these posts on The Word of God:
- How to Meditate on God's Word - Covenant Steps
- What is the Word of God
- The Power of the Word Of God

The Word of God Today is Ways to Study the Word of God
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