Today, lets take some few scriptural steps in preaching and teaching people around us the word. If we must win more souls and people into this kingdom, we need to know how to teach and preach the word of God for Today . There is a how to Preach and touch lives to get people give their lives to Christ even before the altar call is made. Follow these steps below and use them to gain more saints to the body of Christ. If we (Admins of I Love God Site) haven’t used them and it worked for us, we won’t put it up here for you to use.
Step A. Be the Message: Why do we preach? all sermons are written and delivered to glorify God and to draw others into God's kingdom; however, if you want your congregation or the guy next door or on the street during evangelism to listen to your message then you must be an example of God's love and holiness; grace and truth.
You do not have to be perfect, but you must be kind and gentle and have faith that God can do more in your life and in the life of your that person or your congregation. Imagine if a guy knocks on your door one holiday dressed in rag and from every expression on his face, needs food for his tummy with a tattered worn out bible in his hand. And he said “Can I please share the message of prosperity with you from this bible” he lifts up his bible and there goes a sheet on the floor. I know what you have in mind “Is this 911? yes I think I have your Pancake theft suspect right outside my door." We need to be what we are teaching. Let it show in our day to day lifestyle.
Step B: Set Your Ego Aside: The second step to deliver a power packed and life transforming sermon is to set aside your ego. It is easy to want to be awe inspiring. No one stands before a group of others and wants to be boring. Sadly, some become pastors because they want others to think they are great and want to be big men in the sight of other human beings. However, like John the Baptist told his followers in John 3, a preacher's job is to cause Jesus to grow in the sight of his congregation. Jesus must increase and the minister must decrease.The truth is there is no way you subdue yourself to glorify God and teach his word with oneness without being successful.
Step C: Surrender Your Will - Pray God's Anointing: After you set aside your ego, you must surrender yourself to the Lord and pray for His anointing. The work of God's kingdom is not the type of endeavor that any man, woman, or child can do on their own strength or wisdom. In order to deliver a life changing sermon, you must rely on the presence and the power the word of God and The Holy Spirit. This means you must completely surrender yourself to God and his will. To surrender yourself pray as Moses did, confessing that you know that you cannot speak even one good word unless God speaks it through you. Thank him for being allowed to be used as His vessel and give him full reign over your thoughts and words.
When you pray, as James admonishes do not waver in unbelief or doubt. We will continue this series tomorrow with the remaining points on How to Teach and Preach the Word of God (Pt 2) then wrap up our Word of God series for the month.
When you pray, as James admonishes do not waver in unbelief or doubt. We will continue this series tomorrow with the remaining points on How to Teach and Preach the Word of God (Pt 2) then wrap up our Word of God series for the month.

The Word of God Today is How to Teach and Preach The Word of God
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God reachly bless u for your site. as the youth who has been chosen to preach for the first time on our thursday meetings. i am blessed to have read the main points on how to preach the word of my Father. God Bless u so much..Nontando