Step D: Let God's Word Guide Your Message: Personally, I am a fan of verse by verse preaching. I think God's word gives proper weight to each topic related to being better citizens of his kingdom. However, whether you preach verse by verse or topically, you must allow your message to spring from God's Holy Scriptures.
Many preachers use the Bible as a reference guide. They think about a topic which seems relevant to their congregation and then look for Bible passages that apply to the topic. After they find verses that they think support their pet theory, they then turn to other reference guides like a concordance or commentary or the internet to find other more contemporary illustrations and tag it "The word of God for today. or Gods word for today"
God says that his word will go out and not return to him void. It will do what God wants it to do. Man's words and pet theories cannot measure up to the power and persuasivenes of the Bible. Make the Bible the backbone of your message and your congregation will be empowered to do God's will and work.
Step E: Make the Whole Worship Service Inspiring: A Sunday morning service is made up of more than just the sermon. Most churches begin with a period of singing and prayer in order to draw the people into the presence of God. This time is not about entertaining the people, but about helping them to get their minds off the hubbub of life and focused on the Lord and what He would want to say to them through the respective sermon. Orchestrating a Spirit-filled worship service can aide in delivering a Sunday morning message.
Step F: Something to go Home With: If you want your message to be transformational, you must give the congregation something to go home with; meaning something to do, an action point. So when preparing ask yourself, better yet, ask God that one question: what one or two things does God want the congregation to apply and gain from the sermon?
Bonus: Don't Read Your Sermon or your message notes verbatim. Likewise do not try to memorize your message; when you miss a point in a memorized sermon, your mind can get all tangled up and then begin to go blank out of confusion - you keep repeating your sermon topic God's word for today or Today word of God is... Simply speak to the congregation like you are having a cup of coffee with them at Starbuck's which includes passionate storytelling. After you have scripted out your message, trim the main points down to short one liners to help guide your thinking when the time comes.

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Thanks for this great post. Its mind opening