My friends, I am here to tell you that it does not matter what "religion" you follow. This life is a test of character. In order to obtain eternal life with God you MUST follow the Ten Commandments and you MUST love Jesus Christ for the sacrifice he made in order to bring you, and millions of your brothers and sisters, closer to our Father (Personality of Jesus Christ). In actuality if you follow these guidelines you will see the Truth and you will begin to love each fellow soul MORE than you love your own.
Many people believe that Jesus Christ was crucified as an excuse for them to continue sinning. In actuality Christ chose his crucifiction to help STOP sin because people could now think "What would Jesus do?" with every action they comit. The Father knows you are not perfect. Everyone has broken the commandments at some point in their lives. But we must REGRET and REPENT from our mistake. You are not forgiven by simply confessing your mistake to a priest or a pastor nor just responding to an altar call, in order not to go back to your vomit (eew) you must actually begin to walk in the love of Christ.
My brothers and sisters we are living in the days of Revelations. I beg you, go and sin no more. Those who have ears listen to my message. Love Jesus Christ, and Love each other more then you love yourself. This is how you obtain eternal life.

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