I’m glad to welcome you to yet another week as we take our ride on the wings of Joy. We’ll be taking an in-depth study of the word FINDING JOY and how it applies to the believers life. "JOY" is what we seek every day. We often dodge into relationships, career, kids, and material possessions to find true and lasting joy.
So why is it that so few of us manage to find the joyful spirit that we so actively see? Dr. Paul identifies joy as something that comes from within us. Read further to learn the basis of developing the inner joy, the joy of the spirit.
The Spirit of Joy
What brings you joy? What really brings you joy, as opposed to what you think brings joy?
We have all been taught that we will be happy when we: find our soul-mate, make money, work at something we love. Or, we will be happy and fulfilled when we have a house, have a child, do service. Yet I have worked with people who have and do all of the above and are still not happy, and I know of people who have little or none of the above and are frequently joyful.
You might try to find your joy with substances such as alcohol or drugs, but I have never met anyone using these substances whose energy was truly joyful. You might try to find your joy through getting love from others or through sacrificing yourself and care taking others, but I have never met anyone who was a taker or caretaker who was truly joyful base on this acts. So, what creates joy?
Joy is not the result of what you do. Rather, you can find your soul-mate, make money, work at something you love, have a house, have a child, or do service with or without joy. Joy is a state of being that enters your heart when you are open to learning and taking loving care of yourself.
Joy, like love and truth, is a gift of Spirit. Joy, love and truth enter your being when your heart is open. Joy is the feeling of exuberance and oneness that envelopes you once you have opened to feeling your pain, learning from it, and moving through it.
Sometimes I am amazed by this feeling of joy. I used to think that my joy would come from good things happening outside of myself. I certainly love for good things to happen, but often I find myself feeling great joy even when nothing is happening - that is the joy of the spirit!
Joy to every believer must not and should not be based on material possessions but on God’s word. “How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality” - 2 Cor 8:2
Don’t be pulled down in depression by the economic or social state of this country – For there is greater joy for us here on earth via God’s word. “And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” Isa 35:10
I see everything working out for your good in Jesus Name.
Word of God for Today
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