Today, we will discuss the four basic ways the Holy Spirit communicates to us and how to access divine guidance.
I have no doubt that to know the channels the Holy Spirit communicates will definitely be of help in building you up spiritually.
I have no doubt that to know the channels the Holy Spirit communicates will definitely be of help in building you up spiritually.
Inner Witness - First, He communicates by the inner witness. The Bible says that the Kingdom of God, which is within us, is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom. 14:17). The Holy Spirit who dwells inside of us is a continual Source of absolute peace. He will continually pour His peace throughout our being if we will let Him.
Therefore, the inner witness is often manifested as a disruption to that flow of God’s peace, alerting us to a wrong turn, a problem, an obstacle, etc.
Revelation - Second, the Holy Spirit communicates by revelation. The reason God communicates with our spirit and not our physical mind or intellect is that our spiritual mind has the capacity to receive and store millions of bits of information per second. That kind of reception is in God’s class!
When the Holy Spirit speaks to us in our native language, He has slowed Himself down to ultra-slow motion, such as the way a camera is set when filming a plant’s growth. That’s what it’s like for the Holy Spirit when He has to slow down to speak to us in the language we understand.
So the Holy Spirit loves to communicate by revelation. He likes to encapsulate (summarize) an entire revelation and send it through that same channel. All of a sudden, the revelation hits your spirit and explodes outward. You receive the entire revelation in a hundredth of a second.
For instance, you may be praying in the Holy Ghost, meditating on the Word regarding a pressing problem in your business. All of a sudden a revelation capsule explodes inside and you exclaim, “My gosh! I know what to do for the next ten years! And I got it in half a second!”
So you call all your business partners together, and it takes you fifteen days to lay out the plan you received in a half a second by revelation. Why? Because your spirit has to feed one little piece of revelation knowledge at a time to your intellect, which then converts it to your native language.
Do you want to increase these types of experiences in your life? Then spend time praying in the Spirit. You will keep the channel wide open and promote peace and edification in every area of life.
Audible Voice - Third, the Holy Spirit communicates by the audible voice. You may be thinking about something else, when suddenly He says something in your spirit that seems audible to you. You hear it as clearly as if someone were standing next to you speaking.
I wish God would communicate to me this way all the time so I could hear Him that clearly.
But He doesn’t. In fact, I have only heard God audibly one time in my entire life — at the Kathryn Kuhlman meeting that I related earlier. He called my name three times and then said something to me about my ministry.
Other than that one time, the Lord has always communicated to me inside of my spirit. It was just a matter of developing my ability to know when it was Him and when it wasn’t.
Vision - The fourth and less common way that the Holy Spirit communicates is by vision. For example, the Lord sometimes communicates to me through what I call “teaching visions.” These types of visions assist me at times in understanding the Word of God Today.
I usually only receive these teaching visions when I am praying in tongues while meditating on the Word, or when a strong anointing comes on me as I’m testifying or preaching. When the visions occur, they explode across my mind with lightning speed.
So whether by inner witness, revelation, audible voice, or vision, the Holy Spirit always communicates through the same channel — that supernatural doorway into another world.
Our part is to open that channel by praying in the Holy Ghost so we can begin to learn how to discern the voice of God -Dave Roberson.
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In accessing more of God's divine guidance, view the following posts.

The Word of God Today is Channels the Holy Spirit Communicates
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