This is where I get excited. In His infinite wisdom, the Holy Ghost knew what to target in order to help us in our infirmities. Certainly He wasn’t going to try to conquer our soul, our mind, our will, our intellect, or our emotions first. Most of us have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that we can be pushed around in those arenas. We get mad at each other; we fall into sin; we live on the edge of carnality; we can’t overcome our soul enough to pray as we should.
So the Holy Spirit just bypassed all that mess — our wavering soul, our defeats, our up and down emotional roller-coaster rides, our whimpering, our swelled speeches of doctrinal error, our lying down in defeat, and our little deceptions. Instead, He went straight into the depths of our spirit — the new creation that contains all the authority Jesus transferred to us: “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. GO YE therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” — Matthew 28:18-19
Then the Holy Spirit said to each of us, “Look, little one, you’re being whipped because you’re puny and weak and your spirit has no understanding of revelation. But your spirit man does have a new nature, a capacity to understand spiritual matters, and the spiritual authority I deposited in you when you were born again.
“So, excuse Me, but I’m here now, and I would like to borrow your authority from you. You see, I need a conqueror. And although I am the all-powerful Holy Spirit, I can’t do anything in your life without your authority.
“First of all, I need your permission and authority to pray through you. Will you give that to Me and let Me help you fulfill God’s perfect will for your life?”
You see, the Holy Spirit has a handicap — ‘Us’. He would have finished taking care of mankind’s mess a long time ago if it wasn’t for His handicap. He can’t even pray through us until we give Him that authority! Only when we yield our authority to Him will He transfer His supernatural language to our spirit man, giving us utterance to pray mysteries before the throne of God.
If we are wise, we will lend our authority to the wisest, most powerful Being in the universe, the One who moved on the face of the deep and separated the upper and lower firmaments.
He who has all that power needs only our authority to operate it in our lives.
The moment we start praying in the Holy Ghost, we give Heaven the authority to create that prayer in our spirit so we can pray the mind of Christ. As we yield our authority to Him by praying in the Holy Ghost, we turn Him loose to move us into God’s perfect will for our lives!

The Word of God Today is Yielding your Authority to the Holy Ghost
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Thank you Jesus